A group of ragtag ultra-Orthodox Jews who love the State of Israel, the United States, its constitution and the values they stand for...

Friday, November 11, 2016

US on Fire, Chaos Strikes: Spoiled Millennials On The Loose!

One of the staples of the American democracy, is a concept known as the peaceful transition of power. The idea behind this concept was pretty simple. In order to safeguard the democratic process, when one party prevails over the other, the incumbent party does all it can to insure that there is a peaceful transition - that is, without any hiccups. Indeed, no one said this more beautifully then our first president, Gorge Washington, over 200 years ago. 
"[...] peaceful transition of power is what will separate this country from every other [...]"

And indeed, first time this peaceful transition of power was truly tested was on March 4, 1801, which with the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, ended twelve years of Federalist rule. Interestingly, with the Jeffersonian republicans victory, some feared that the legitimate empowerment of this rival political party would tear the country apart, or perhaps even worse, bring it to another revolution.

But then, as history showed us, everything went over rather smoothly smoothly, thus illustrating how the peaceful transition of power indeed differentiated the young republic from all other nations. According to historians, the transition was such a success, that that Jefferson called it the Revolution of 1800.

When we talk about the revolution of 1800, its hard not to marvel how history repeats itself, as there are many parallels that can be drawn between the Jefferson and Trump victory, but that deserves a column of its own. 

In any event, its the peaceful transition that is so prudent to the discussion as we are watching these millennial protesters run amok, as if the election of Donald Trump is the coming of the anti Christ. 

I gotta say, it does not cease to shock me every time I watch these cry baby millennials, starting off with peaceful protests escalating into violent riots with people around acting like animals.

Check out these examples:

It Started out "peaceful"

and got voilent prettty fast

The Oregonian reports:
 Police declared the demonstration a “riot” more than three hours after its 5 p.m. start, citing “extensive criminal and dangerous behavior.” The bureau said it warned the crowd about the designation, then tweeted that rioting is a class C felony.
The crowd – at least on par with the 2,000 that gathered the night before — started at Pioneer Courthouse Square in the early evening before taking off on a route that included a stop at the Portland waterfront and trip over the Hawthorne Bridge into Southeast Portland.
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Anti-Trump protests are taking over downtown Portland for the 3rd straight day, closing freeways. http://bit.ly/2fp02yy 

But it get worse, as children get pulled in the fray of violence spreading across the nation like the plague...

Kids getting beaten up in school, is this we for real?

I dont know if this is real, but its child abuse either way...

Good grief you think that is bad, sorry, it gets even more shocking, as a search on “#AssassinateTrump” shows many commentators supporting the call to kill President-Elect Trump - with some posting graphic images... 

Seriously, where is the twitter political correctness police right now? Heck, probably crying with Hillary.

Fucking do it: Assassination threats are being made against Donald  http://metro.co.uk/2016/11/10/people-are-openly-talking-about-assassinating-donald-trump-6249524/  via @MetroUK

Well so much for a peaceful transition of power...

But are these Social Justice Warriors ready for the consequences of their actions? 

Do these SJW really think the assassination of our dear President -Elect, will lead the country in the direction they desire?

Boy are they mistaken. The only result of such a move would be throwing this country into a real civil war, like neighbor against neighbor - you know the scary kind...

Are we ready America? Are we ready?

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