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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hidden Trump Supporters? Lets Count the Absentees

So everyone who voted for Hillary is up in arms about the electoral system these days... Apparently, the system is rather screwed up, as messed up the election for Hillary and her prospects for the Whitehouse. Dear Lord, all I could hear this weekend were calls for the termination of the electoral collage or at least the bypassing of it, through the states. 

Well if your hanging out with your liberal and you really want to get them mad, check out this post Blair Patterson over at Yes I'm Right as to why Hillary did not win the popular due to the absentee ballots - which overwhelmingly favored Trump - were never counted. 

As Patterson points out:
Absentee ballots are cast by Students overseas, the military, business people on trips, etc.
The historical breakout for absentee ballots is about 67-­33% Republican.
In 2000, when Al Gore “won” the popular vote nationally by 500,000 votes and the liberal media screamed bloody murder, there were 2 million absentee ballots in California alone. A 67­-33 breakout of those, would have covered the deficit in second... So, the next time someone says “Hillary won the popular vote” you can give them this little election lesson, as most people have no idea that hundreds of thousands of ballots are never even counted. 
Statistically, there is no way Hillary Clinton won the popular vote this year. 
(Source: The Proud Conservative) 

 "Hidden Trump Supporters"

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