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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Obama and Trump's First Meeting

I saw a great article over at the Conservative Tree House by Sundance which I would like to share:
There should be no doubt the anti-Trump administration protests last night were directly coordinated by DNC operatives and the various affiliated interests within the left-wing national organizations OWS, RevCom, BLM, etc.
The hundreds of various community organizing groups who have met with, and been led by, the Obama activism coalition in the past eight years were activated for a specific reason.  Everyone who has followed controversial political events over the past several years knows full well, none of this activity happens without direct White House approval.
If President Obama wanted the streets cleared, his own speech could make that happen.  He did not do so, yet.
That raises the question ‘why organize the protests’?  The answer therein outlines how severely the Obama and Clinton groups estimate the risk.  They are trying to save themselves through a process of applying leverage against the risk that Donald Trump represents.
In essence Obama/Clinton agents are undermining Trump’s possible action against them by creating a narrative where the best play for President Trump is to allow the usurping agents to creep away, albeit with suitcases of cash, quietly into the night; and avoid sunlight upon their prior unlawful activity.
The meeting today between the victor Donald Trump and the defeated Barack Obama is essentially a meeting to discuss the terms of surrender.  President Obama is seeking safe passage and amnesty for prior usurpation.
In the meeting today President Obama, and by extension Hillary Clinton, are requesting safe passage using the leverage of they’ll burn down the nation if not provided – hence the protests needed last night.
However, Trump is not their normal adversary.  Even though Donald Trump has not been directly involved in these types of political self-preservation efforts, no-one is more versed in leverage application toward a specific end goal than Mr. Trump.  He knows exactly what they are doing, and he knows why they are doing it.
So what was the outcome of the meeting?
That will be really easy to determine:
♦ If the ridiculous election protests continue again tonight, then President Obama has not called them off.  That means he and Clinton received no substantive assurances, and are worried about being held to account – prosecuted and investigated.
♦  If the ridiculous election protest do not happen again tonight, then President Obama has called them off.  That means he and Clinton feel more comfortable they will not be held to account – prosecuted and investigated.
I doubt there would be any overt assurances in any direction from President Elect Trump toward President Obama.   Nor would Mr. Trump imply such assurances or guarantees; it’s just not how he applies leverage.
Ultimately the Machiavellian political gamesmanship then evolves toward how does Obama/Clinton “feel” about the success of their initial probing for terms.

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