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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Election 2016 The Winners and the Losers

As the dust settles, from the frenzy, that is what we called the presidential election, it is time to review the winners and losers

The Winners

The People 

Yes that's right, the people. Trump won almost every swing state that both John McCain and Mitt Romney lost in 2008 and 2012 respectively. In addition, Trump won states that have not voted republican in a really long time....

The reason? Because Trump spoke our language, his message, was one which we wanted to hear - he ran on helping us get out of the rot that we are in, runing on the ideal of helping the American people rebuild America, and return it to its former glory. His message resonated with Black and Hispanic Americans as well, as he promised to take care of the inner cities, enforce immigration, he helped them realize that they have had had enough of the democratic party taking them for granted, and it was time to move on to better prospects for the future

Donald Trump

The winner takes it all they say, and with the amount of odds that were stacked against him, Trump had no chance in heck... But then again, he won. Trump ran on a populist message, fused with heart, and it got him the presidency - lesson learned, when you run with your heart, as a voice of the people, they will reciprocate and come out in droves in your support. Donald Trump pulled off the impossible and for that he makes me proud to be an American.

Reince Priebus

Good Ol' Reince, establishment republicans wanted his head for supporting Trump. Reince accepted the Trump victory and was there good and faithful, doing everything he can to get Trump elected. With an impending Trump loss, establishment calls for Reince to vacate his spot as the RNC chair were strengthened daily. And now? Reince is one of the most powerful men in America, it is not for nothing that in a humbling moment Trump called up Reince and asked him to say a few words - making a statement to all


During the evening, I am pretty sure article drafts were quietly being deleted in newsrooms around the country...
A number of those op-eds and think pieces would have gleefully noted that “despite pouring more money into an election that at any point in the organization’s 145-year history, the National Rifle Association was unable to make a difference,” and that the NRA’s five million members were “just paper tigers after all.”

Oops, Delete.

The five million men and women of the National Rifle Association told the world that they would “Stand and Fight” against Hillary Clinton and her plans to gut the natural human right to keep and bear arms for self defense.
They stood and fought and won.

As the vast majority of pundits in the mainstream media were cautiously optimistic that the night would bring them both the election of Hillary Clinton and the decimation of the Second Amendment, they didn’t count on the NRA to stop them.

The Independent Media

The Independent media opposition, led by the likes of Breitbart, Info Wars, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Michael Savage, all have one thing in common, they all worked against the mainstream media to elect Donald Trump and give him the presidency. 

With the Trump victory the relevancy of the conservative voices in the independent media increases, while the power of the mainstream media is diminished to dust.

The Nationalists

To quote Bob Dylan, "The Times They Are A Changin". And indeed, the nationalistic front is on the rise, with Nigal Farage leading the front in Europe and Trump supporters in the United States, the globalists, open border advocates tremble in fear of the repercussions. As the US election results look to quote Farage, 'bigger than Brexit'.

The Losers

Barack Obama

If this election is anything, it is a total rejection of the Obama presidency from day one. A rejection of his Obamacare, a rejection of his Economy, a rejection of his immigration policies, and a rejection of his Iran deal...

With a Trump win, Obama goes down in the annals of history as the candidate who elected Trump.

It was for this reason that Obama campaigned so hard for Hillary, at times taking it personally. 
Obama is not exactly a friend of the Clintons, by any stretch of the imagination, yet he campaigned with fervor, if only to preserve his legacy- which is now dead in the water.

Hillary Clinton

Finally after a dragged out night, and a rather long morning, Hillary finally came out to the public and in teary eye speech conceded to Donald Trump. The Clinton's curroption and lies finally caught up with them, Hillary rejected - lost the vote to a unpolished outsider. I can not imagine anything more humiliating...

Let's face it, Hillary's lies, over confident demeanor and pretentious outlook cost her the presidency, and for that she has no one to blame but herself. 

The Mainstream Media

There is not much to be said, the media ran as a surrogate of the Clinton/Obama machine, and the voters rejected it vehemently. The media is now left post this disgusting election lying bare, with its bias, arrogance, and deceit for all to see

Ohh the pollsters...

Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, had long said the polls were biased against him. His claims — dismissed and mocked by the experts — turned out to be true.
“It’s going to put the polling industry out of business,” said CNN anchor Jake Tapper. 

Good grief, pollsters failed on so many levels, you almost feel sorry for them. Either way, rest assured it will take a long time for them to regain any credibility to make them viable. From this point forward I  pretty confident that pollsters will do all they can to make sure they never get it wrong again - maybe. 


There are losers, and then there are those who personify it loosing. In this election there was only one group of people who were truly deplorable, the #NeverTrumpers. 

Billy Kristol, and his failed candidate McMullin; Glenn Beck and his love affair with Black Lives Matter , Ben Shapiro and his turdnattos, Mitt Romney and his pretentious speeches and many more, fall into obscurity not only as losers, but traitors to the republican party, it's principals, and all it holds dear. With Divine intervention they never Trumpets were not successful in their schemes, but in the end I for one will never forget their treachery. 

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