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Friday, December 9, 2016

Fake News to be New Weapon of the Left

Pam Key reported on Breitbart today Kellyanne Conway got on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” today reacting to 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s condemnation of fake news.  According to Conway, “it’s this whole new cottage industry they are trying to make a big deal of and pin it on one party or one man’s supporters.”
Conway said, “It’s remarkable if she’s trying to make a nexus between those statements and her electoral loss. I’m almost at a loss for words, maybe for the first time in a while. The idea that they can’t grapple with the fact that — I don’t know what her message was for America other than I’m not Donald Trump and you shouldn’t vote for him.”
She added, “Look, I take seriously what she’s saying in terms of people spreading rumors or saying things that aren’t true and possible harm coming to people, but it’s this whole new cottage industry they are trying to make a big deal of and pin it on one party or one man’s supporters. That I disagree with completely and that has to stop. A little self-awareness would do for a team that is blaming everybody but themselves for this.
Watch full interview here:

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