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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Trump Doing Better Then Obama? You Bet!

Former – and embattled – Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski got on Hannity the other night to praise Donald Trump’s monumental successes in the first month since becoming president elect. 

Lewandowski appeared on discussed with Hannity, the president-elect’s unprecedented maneuvers in recent weeks to begin the implementation of his ‘America First’ policies.

"Donald Trump, in the first four weeks of his presidency, has done more to help this country than I think Barack Obama has done in the last four years,” Lewandowski said. “Now I know that’s a strong statement, but what we see is a commitment to our military again; a commitment to our businesses to reduce the amount of government regulations so that they can continue to grow and grow our economy – not at one percent, not at two percent, but at four percent, five percent.”
“Lower the corporate tax rate so that our country can be competitive in a global marketplace. Look – his presidency is summed up in two words: America First.”
As has been reported across the net, Trump has already negotiated deals with HVAC manufacturer Carrier and Taiwanese tech giant Foxconn that could preserve and create well over 50,000 jobs on U.S. soil in the coming years.
Some people have criticized these and other moves done by Trump and his transition team. For example, by the case of Carrier deal, many are saying that it is nothing more then a classic act of crony capitalism. And the Foxconn deal, as being criticized as a move which increases the overall trade deficit.

Which I should note, is partially created when outside companies invest in the United States, which through such investing take possession olarge amounts of the U.S. dollar, which due to the fact that they may decide to sell at any time, puts U.S. economy at risk.

that includes foreign investments on US Soil
With all that said, I do understand the many concerns, lets face it, crony capitalism is a bad thing, and so is an increase of our trade deficit...

However, I think we also can not get ahead of ourselves, it is way to early to tell how this all plays out. Trump has not even entered office yet, and becasue of that, it is way to early to celebrate or panic - lets just wait and see how this pans out...

In any event, one thing is rather clear to me - just based on the the President elects appointments alone - Trump is a businessman, and like most businessmen, he has good instincts, and sometimes bad ones... But in all cases, he is looking to to do whats best for his company, and in this case that company is America...
By Trump putting America first, he is doing so, so that he may mold America into the best businesses he has ever created, and that, in simply put terms, is Good for the American people.

Just one example (as pointed out on Infowars) was when last month, Apple began exploring the possibility of moving some production to the United States, yet as a key supplier to Apple, Foxconn’s investment in U.S. manufacturing could turn things around. In fact, it could begin to fulfill Trump’s heavily mocked assertion that, “We’re going to get Apple to build their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries.”

Apple chief over at FoxConn checking out an iPhone 7 Plus

Hey you never know...

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