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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Thank You Jill Stein

So here's a story I just came across on Gab.ai, the new Twitter but for those who hate censorship and love freedom.

 It appears as if the recount in Detroit is exposing massive corruption and fraud. This story was broken by Jim Hoft based on accounts by observers here.

Jim Hoft with the late Andrew Breitbart a"h

The article just notes how the fraud happened but I'd just like to add that we were told this was happening, there was strong reason to believe it was true and the MSM brushed it aside as crazy conspiracy theory and an "assault on democracy." NO! The assault on our democracy is that it is happening, not that we exposed it.

Mr. Hoft was crowned "Dumbest Man on the Internet" by Media Matters...so we all know that's a compliment.

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