A group of ragtag ultra-Orthodox Jews who love the State of Israel, the United States, its constitution and the values they stand for...

Monday, December 12, 2016

Just Another Night in the Hell called Chicago [Video]

In case you didn't know the inner cities are a mess...
For example the city of Chicago can, often times, sound like a war zone....

One such example, would be a viral video, that just surfaced which shows what “daily nights” are like in Chicago...

Its insane, an almost constant stream of gunshots can be heard going off in the city.

The video was shared Sunday on LiveLeak, and can be found on YouTube as well...
Locals have recently taken to calling the place “Chiraq,” as it’s pretty much a war zone.
Check out another crazy episode (NSFW - strong language)

and to wrap it up, check out this BBC documentary on the topic...

As you watch and listen, in horror I might add, rest assured President-elect Donald Trump’s claim that African Americans are “living in hell” in cities like Chicago and Detroit is darn real...
But leave it to the progressive left, the so called social justice warriors, to yell at the top of thier lungs, that Trump's claims are a nothing but a big racist conspiracy theory with little basis in reality...

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