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Monday, December 5, 2016

Biden 2020? Maybe - According to Biden...

Its not a Nightmare...
“I am going to run in 2020,” Biden told a group of reporters in the Capitol when asked about his political future. “What the hell man, anyway.”
Asked if he was kidding about running, the 74-year-old paused for four seconds before saying he is “not committing not to run.” 
“I am not committed to anything,” he added. “I learned a long time ago, fate has a strange way of intervening.” 

Seriously man, the dude is cracked...
Not only would it would be surprising if Biden decided to continue his decades-long political career - b3eing part of the failed Obama presidency and all, but Biden would be 78 in 2020 and thus the oldest person ever to win a major-party presidential nomination by far...

Good luck with that...

After months of toying with a presidential run this cycle, Biden announced last October that he would not mount a bid. He said he ran out time “necessary to mount a winning campaign” while mourning the loss of his son, Beau, to cancer. 
He instead spent 2016 campaigning for Hillary Clinton

Bidden getting all creepy with Clinton

Since the Clinton lost, it is rather clear that the future of the Democratic Party is up for grabs. 

Some party officials have wondered if a candidate like Biden or Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) would have fared better against Donald Trump - to which I respond a resounding negative, but thats for a different discussion..
The vice president has long had his eye on the Oval Office. He ran for president in 1988 and again in 2008, losing both times in his party’s primary. 

Here's to wishing better luck for Sen. Bidden next time...

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. He's also a suspected pedophile, has acted strangely and said some very inappropriate and damning things to young children on camera. The videos have been getting lots of publicity because of the #PizzaGate citizen investigation into John Podesta's emails but they stand on their own as worthy of investigation.
