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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

American University students want trustee Gary Cohn fired... #LiberalLogic

American University students want trustee Gary Cohn fired...

The offense?

Meeting with President-elect to discuss serving as Trump's energy secretary 

This kid is a total moran...

Lets start with this, I agree that college education is way to expensive.
That being said, I do not think that paying tuition should entitle students to a similar role as that of a share holder, thus having a say in the school/institution - I feel this to be especially true in the realm of higher education. 

In other words, I think that paying for school - no matter how much it costs - is simply put, nothing more then paying for a service. 
And like any other service, if you do not like the service provider - for whatever reason - you can not just fire them. Rather, you can stop paying them and move on to another provider...

If these students have a problem with their chosen University, no one is stopping them from leaving and going elsewhere. It does not make sense that due to their tuition payments, they can now dictate to the colleges/universities of their choosing, what policies and appointments, these colleges and universities must adhere to. 

But who am I kidding...

This unintelligible student (being interviewed by Tucker) is just one of many offspring the progressive liberal agenda has festered across our country. 

The future looks grim indeed...

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