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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Say it Aint So: Hillary Run, 2020?

Could Hillary Clinton … be thinking of running again in 2020?

According to reporting by conservative site HotAir, given how much America enjoyed Trump-Clinton I, the prospect of a rematch feels like an early Christmas present.
Check out this tweet by well known political pundit Ron Fournier
Fournier spitballing, right? Nothing gets the juices flowing on a slow post-holiday news day like the unfounded suggestion of a dismal losing candidate coming back for more punishment in four years. 
Its just hard to believe, I can not see it as anything other then him just tossing it out there to start an argument. Except …
 Nope... Sorry, he isn’t. He claims that people close to Hillary are open to the idea. So apparently, this isn’t coming from him but from them. 
To which you and I might say: Why? are the democrats that suicidal? Why would they want to relive this past nightmare in four years? 
Ben Shapiro ran through a few of the many, many arguments against “Hillary: The Sequel.” 
She was the first female major party candidate in history, and she was unable to pull away from a man who was caught on tape talking about grabbing women by the “p***y”; her husband was a president with significant blue collar appeal, and she lost the blue collar white vote in historic fashion; she didn’t even match Barack Obama’s numbers among Hispanics after Trump openly said a judge of Mexican descent couldn’t judge his case fairly; she relied on Hollywood glitz rather than on-the-ground campaigning and paid for it with the White House.
Hillary for re-election in 2020 would be incredible for Republicans. She’d be back, she’d be twice as annoying (which is almost mathematically impossible), and she’d have half the enthusiasm (again, almost mathematically impossible). Meanwhile, she’d suck all the oxygen out of the room, preventing other candidates from rising. Her corruption would ensure that any future Trump corruption would be negated as a campaign issue. Republicans should pray for more Hillary.
So will this indeed happen?
My best guess is a big whopping, no, but heck after this election cycle you never know...

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