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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Joel Pollak Takes the Fight to CNN

Washington publicist Kurt Bardella supposedly took the high road Monday night after being on the receiving end of a vicious tirade from Breitbart Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak.
Now I like Joel Pollak and I think he is doing the right thing by defending Bannon, especially as an Orthodox Jew. Its rather simple, calling Bannon and Breitbart Anti-Semitic - to quote Marc Levine - is offensive and diminishes the severity of the term as a whole.
As I mentioned, both men appeared on Don Lemon‘s “CNN Tonight” along with FAILED Independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin, with Bardella clearly trying to stay relelvent after a Trump victory - to bad he has to get into bed with CNN to accomplish that...
The topic - obviously - was Steve Bannon, who as you might know, is President-elect Donald Trump‘s chief strategist, and former boss to both Bardella and Pollak. 
Of course the question on everyones mind is, "Is he a white nationalist? Is he an anti-Semite? Or is he an Alt-Right Nazi?
Well its not hard to know where Lemons bias rests, as he flashed "offensive" Breitbart headlines and wanted the two men to turn on thier boss - who as I wrote is a true friend of Zion.
Bardella is not exactly a fan of Bannon after he resigned earlier this year, along with several other Breitbart employees - including Ben Shapiro, after the "alt-right" focused news site refused to support Michelle Fields after she alleged being assaulted by Trump’s aide Corey Lewandowski at a campaign event - an event mind you which has been proven to be discounted.
Watch the whole back and forth here:

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