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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Bibi Seems to Have Got it, Hillary Is The Same Old (Faild) Democratic Agenda

As reported by Ed Henry on "America's Newsroom" of Fox News, one of the more juicy revelations from the WikiLeaks dump is in relation to Hillary Clinton's views on the Israeli Palestinian conflict, the peace process and U.S. Israel relations in general. 
According to Henry, the 11th dump of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta's emails - which came out Tuesday morning - contains interesting details on the campaign's narrative on the Benghazi terror attack, and for or conversation the campaign strategy for showing support for Israel, as they show Clinton aides debating early in her campaign how strongly she should voice her support for Israel.
Furthermore, Henry pointed out that the Israel debate underscores the main issue with the Democratic nominee: "You're seeing two different Hillary Clintons."
"You're seeing one in public, on Israel, example, saying 'strong ally of Israel,' 'be there for Israel,' 'I'll do whatever I can' in her speeches," Henry said, "[a]nd then in private, they're saying, 'Well, wait a second, let's not be too strong of an ally publicly. That's going to hurt us with the left.'"
Henry also noted that that Clinton clearly has public and private positions on Wall Street, based upon whether she was speaking at campaign rallies or giving closed-door paid speeches to financial firms like Goldman Sachs.
"It's politics as usual."
Reports from Breitbart, and Times Of Israel also show much, as Clinton thinks the “solution” to the Palestinian problem involves manipulating and pressuring Israel to do the bidding of the U.S. with little regard to the small states safety...

Yet, additional emails produced by WikiLeaks seem to suggest that when it comes to Obama vs. Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu feels Clinton is “more instinctively sympathetic to Israel than the White House,” (I wonder where he would get that from) and the worst moment in his relationship with her came when she was speaking from a “heavily scripted speech with points prepared by the White House.”
However, when it comes to Trump vs. Hillary we all know where Netanyahu's allegiances lie.

In any evet, and as pointed out by Brietbart, the Clinton campaigns perspective on Israel are rather illuminating as President Obama and his defenders have been loudly insisting that they were the best friends Israel has ever had...

But the plot thickens...

According to reporting from Israel left wing paper HAARETZ, based on Wikileaks emails, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook suggested that Clinton should avoid mentioning Israel at “public events” during her battle for the Democratic nomination, and senior members of her campaign team agreed, in case you do not know this is because many of Hillary's voters and supporters have clear anti Israel bias and in many instances are ardent supporters of BDS and other anti Israel initiatives... 
Due to this, the final decision of the clinton campaign was that Hillary Clinton should only mention the Jewish state when “she’s with [Jewish] donors.” 
With friends like these, who needs enemies...

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