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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ben Shapiro: #StopTrolling4Hillary

I used to like Ben Shapiro, hey I got that he did not like the Donald - anyone would after he called him a turdnato - and in the primaries I thought it was all fair game, he had every right to his opinions and I was content - after all primaries are a brutal sport and no one leaves unscathed... 

But then again, once the primaries, were over I thought Ben would wise up and fight the good fight, but alas, Ben took a different route and decided to be a complete dummy by #Troll4Hillary. 

Little Ben Ben, having shown his true colors, would like us all to believe that he has us conservatives best interests at heart, but then again, after he stated that "last night’s debate was a demonstration that nominating two absolutely unfit candidates for president may not have been a wise decision for America..." I would like to kindly disagree...

Ben you are nothing more then an Hillary shill and I am going to have to disown you...

Lets face the facts, this election has been the best thing that has happened to this country since the boom of the fifties - ok maybe not as good, but nevertheless pretty close - it has created a movement, a rebirth of the republican party for the better, and exposed the democrats for the gross sleazebags they really are - what can be better...

As voters this election cycle came out and elected - the faulty -Donald J. Trump as our nominee, they proclaimed loud and clear that we are going to blow the lid of the Washington establishment, we are sick of the corruption in the political class, their lack of desire/inability to institute change, and we are out to expose them for the phonies they truly are... 

But lets face it, it was not only the politicians who we were out for, but the neocon, think-tank conservatives who like leeches feeding off a sick body, have fed off the chaos that the liberal left and media has brought forth to our country, while in truth wanting nothing more then additional chaos to feed off of - I am looking at you William "Billy" Kristol. 

Ben Shapiro's latest debate takeaways (here) expose him to be nothing more then a Neocon Demagogue who would like nothing more then for Hillary to get elected so he can be called back onto Fox news and other forms of media, so he can go on his holier then thou pseudo intellectual rants.

Funny thing is, that if Trump wins, Ben becomes irrelevant, if Trump looses, Ben is one hated man... 
What a way to go Ben, what a way to go...

But then again Ben cant say I did not warn you, no one likes a Troll, especial a #Troll4Hillary...

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