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Monday, December 5, 2016

Deserter Bergdahl wants O's pardon

 Remember Bowe Bergdahl? The Army deserter who converted to Islam and declared himself a mujahid? Well, he wants to go free now and skip his court martial.

His former platoon leader, Sgt. Matt Vierhart, was interviewed on Fox & Friends today where he made it clear that Bergdahl's situation is "nobody's fault but his" and that this is a "desperate attempt by him and his team" because the "defense does not have a leg to stand on."

He also addressed another #FakeNews report by the NY Times from Friday.

Obviously, officers on the ground couldn't fathom such a diabolical plot of self harm, that turned out to be true, and they ordered a rescue mission and several people were killed and injured. Here's the full Fox video of the interview. 

The defense is pathetic and obviously we all want to see him serve the full life sentence coming to him. 

Here's an old Fox News report from when he was freed. Gives some insight to what scum this deserter is.

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