The United States and its relationship with the Jewish people, and more specifically the State of Israel, is somewhat of a ongoing love affair of two freedom loving nations.
I often think about the future where historians will often pontificate as to the source of that something special, that deep rooted element in the fabric of the American nation, that drove the American people into a long standing alliance with the descendants of the Kingdom of Judea and Israel.
The U.S.A. and Israel, Sister Nations
From President John Quincy Adams - who in Letter to Major Mordecai Manuel Noah said that "[he believes in the] rebuilding of Judea as an independent nation".
to President Abraham Lincoln - who in a meeting with Canadian Christian Zionist, Henry Wentworth Monk, expressed hope that Jews who suffering oppression in Russia and Turkey be emancipated “by restoring them to their national home in Palestine.” as it were “a noble dream and one shared by many Americans.”
From President Woodrow Wilson - who in a reaction to the Balfour Declaration wrote: "The allied nations with the fullest concurrence of our government and people are agreed that in Palestine shall be laid the foundations of a Jewish Commonwealth." to President Harry Truman - who wrote of the state of Israel on May 26, 1952: "I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization."
Or from John Kennedy - who in a Speech to Zionists of America Convention, on August 26, 1960 said: "Israel was not created in order to disappear—Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom." - to President Ronald Reagan who at Welcoming Ceremony for President Chaim Herzog, on November 10, 1987 said: "For the people of Israel and America are historic partners in the global quest for human dignity and freedom. We will always remain at each other's side."
to President Abraham Lincoln - who in a meeting with Canadian Christian Zionist, Henry Wentworth Monk, expressed hope that Jews who suffering oppression in Russia and Turkey be emancipated “by restoring them to their national home in Palestine.” as it were “a noble dream and one shared by many Americans.”
From President Woodrow Wilson - who in a reaction to the Balfour Declaration wrote: "The allied nations with the fullest concurrence of our government and people are agreed that in Palestine shall be laid the foundations of a Jewish Commonwealth." to President Harry Truman - who wrote of the state of Israel on May 26, 1952: "I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization."
Or from John Kennedy - who in a Speech to Zionists of America Convention, on August 26, 1960 said: "Israel was not created in order to disappear—Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom." - to President Ronald Reagan who at Welcoming Ceremony for President Chaim Herzog, on November 10, 1987 said: "For the people of Israel and America are historic partners in the global quest for human dignity and freedom. We will always remain at each other's side."
Side by side against tyranny
And more, leaders from across the United States and Israeli history, unanimously agreed, the relationship between Israel and the U.S. is not only deep rooted, but ancient, akin to an age old olive tree, producing loads of fruit under the cruelest of circumstances...
However, with that all said, even the best of olive trees - as our Arab neighbors have relentlessly attempted to teach us - can be, without the proper safeguards, cut down...
Indeed, this past Friday, on the eve of Hanukah and Christmas, Dec. 23, 2016, the vain and pretentious President Obama, attempted to cut down that olive tree, in one fell swoop.
However, with that all said, even the best of olive trees - as our Arab neighbors have relentlessly attempted to teach us - can be, without the proper safeguards, cut down...
Indeed, this past Friday, on the eve of Hanukah and Christmas, Dec. 23, 2016, the vain and pretentious President Obama, attempted to cut down that olive tree, in one fell swoop.
Obama 'A True Friend of Israel'
To many, not including myself, the UN and its anti resolution came as a surprise... After all, how could it be possible that the one and only President Obama "a true friend of the State of Israel" would stab Israel in the back.
Its ironic actually.
So many out there displaying shock and rage, proclaiming that "a President who in a State of the Union Address, from February 12, 2013, promised to "stand steadfast with Israel in pursuit of security and a lasting peace", do nothing when the UN comes to pass an Anti Israel resolution is unprecedented.
Are we insane? Is this truly the first time that under Mr. Obama's watch, the UN unjustly carved in stone a false portrayal of Israel?
Is this the first time that, as all hell breaks loose around the globe mind you, the UN defames the one true ally of the United States, Israel?
No its not...
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The Globalist Progressive: Mr. Obama
But alas, many will continue to ponder how it came to this.
How did it come to be that the one hailed by New Yorker magazine, as the 'First Jewish President' betray the interests of the Jewish people?
And while they continue to wallow in their anquish, I think it would be appropriate to take a jab at the topic and indeed answer this question in a rather simple fashion:
You see, as Far as President Obama is concerned, he didn't betray the State of Israel and its people, on the contrary, he is doing all he can to help them...
Yes! as absurd as that may sound, I firmly believe that Obama is convinced that Israel is not mature enough to make peace in its own right - much akin to the previous progressive presidents before him. In lieu of such a pretense, Mr. Obama is rather certain that it is His job to set things right...
Obviously, such a pretense, under Mr. Obama's current preconceived notion, has netted a rather expected outcome. An outcome, where Mr. Obama is doing all he can to save Israel from itself...
Misguided? Indeed...
But while I think Mr. Obama should be condemned from every possible angle, to focus on this lame duck president would be a mistake.
You see, I believe that Mr. Obama is not in fact the one who is brains, so to speak, behind his current convoluted policy.
Sure, Mr. Obama probably hates Bibi to a rather extreme degree, and even more so the right wing block in the Israeli government. Mr. Obama, also most definitely is sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and seeks to bring to its eventual liberation.
However, there is a catch, without the approval of the Jewish lobby I find it hard to believe that Obama and the democrats would have the gall to act as they have increasingly done - as much as I like to say this in public, the money of the Jewish lobby talks in rather simple term to the average minded politician, let alone a spineless liberal progressive as President Obama.
As such, I have concluded that the culprit, that is the molders, of Mr. Obama - and for that matter, the greater Democratic parties current framework of thinking - are none other then the leftist factions within the Jewish lobby - including, but not limited to, J-Street the New Israel Fund and Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA).
The Dark Side of the Jewish Lobby
The Jewish lobby, without a doubt, is a mixed bag of tricks...
This is simply because not all Jewish Political action groups were created equal - namely, with Israel's best interests in mind.In fact, far from it...
Yes, while it is true that there are many factions within the Jewish lobby who are currently composed of centrist and rightwing thinking groups and individuals - these include AIPAC, JINSA, ZOA, CUFI, the Orthodox Union and other - it is more then clear, that the voice of those who seek security and peace for both Israel and the United States have been diminished - at least in the democratic portions of the political spectrum.
In the case of the above mentioned political action groups, they are generally composed of communities and/or individuals who subscribe to the trending progressive liberal agenda - and seemingly, will stop and nothing to seek out its implementation, across the spectrum, which in this case is none other then the State of Israel.
To be fair, progressive liberalism has a rather poor track record of securing peace and tranquility for democracies around the world, yet nevertheless, it is a viewpoint which has many supporters on capitol hill - makes you wonder why...
As such, this framework of thinking has been pushing an agenda where Israel is portrayed as the uncompromising aggressor, and as such, seeks the forced implementation of policies which will bring about supposed peace to the region.
Just to get an idea how out of touch these people truly are, please watch this video bellow:
Just to set the record straight, Israel conquered the land in 1967, from an aggressor called Jordan. That's right, there was no Palestine - as it did not exist. Yet for most brain dead liberals this video will suffice, thus inciting additional forms of pressure on Israel to relent its God given right - and human for that matter - to sovereignty over the land of Israel.
To level headed people like you and me, this is rather obvious, but for many others its not. As a result, having such a faction within the Israel lobby can not only be counterproductive, it can be catastrophic.
After all, how can we suffer any group, in a overall pro Israel lobby, when it has done so little to defend Israel, if ever.
Yet, the facts remain - as in a twist of ironic fate - The Israel lobby, that is, one which was created to protect Jewish interests, namely Israel, has not only grown a thorn at its side, but has grown a thorn which is constantly attempting to jab away - in whatever means necessary mind you - at Israel right to exist out of reality as we know it.
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The Unholy Trinity
J-Street and the UN Resolution
With Friends like these who needs enemies...
But back to the topic at hand, the UN resolution. As expected, once again, the status quo remained.
As is the custom of the centrist and right wing factions of the Jewish lobby - including AIPAC, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the ZOA and others - President Obama and his emissary to the UN were condemned for their betrayal of the Jewish state.
On the flipside, the so called "pro-Israel" progressive liberal groups came out to hail the UN in its continuous effort of delegitimizing Israel whenever possible.
J- Street, in its usual out of touch fashion, welcomed the resolution.
“The resolution is consistent with longstanding bipartisan American policy, which includes strong support for the two-state solution, and clear opposition to irresponsible and damaging actions, including Palestinian incitement and terror and Israeli settlement expansion and home demolitions,”The New Israel Fund, mired in hate as ever, took it a step further. Talia Sasson, President of the New Israel Fund, said in a statement,
Rabbi John Rosove, of the Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA), wrote:"This is a sad day, not a happy one. That it has come to this — that our own Israeli leadership refused to protect us from the damage that the settlement enterprise causes. The settlements contradict Israel’s interests and stand against the principles of our declaration of Independence. If the government of Israel took seriously the need to end the occupation and stop the settlements, there would be no need for the Security Council to take up the matter."
"ARZA worries that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s and his allies’ very strong negative and hostile reaction against the UN Resolution, the Obama Administration, and other countries that supported it is diverting attention from the root issue. In light of the new US Administration’s promise to initiate epic moves in the Middle East, ill-considered policies and actions can light the region on fire. ARZA continues to insist that a negotiated two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians is the only option that can assure Israel’s democratic and Jewish nature, and the only way that Palestinians will achieve a state of their own."
These few responses are just a glimpse of the progressive liberal factions within the Jewish lobby wrecking havoc on middle east, and more specifically the future of the State of Israel...
Surprisingly - that is, for a reason I can not yet fathom - the Israeli government has yet to do much about these toxic groups and their ever increasing level of influence...
Again, with their out of touch, and dated approach to the issues - these groups have not only hurt Israel in congress, but have sought to tarnish Israeli public image across the globe - Just look at the destinations of funding from J-Street and the New Israel Fund to get a hint. And with all that said and done, it would seem that the Israeli Government and the majority of groups within the Israel lobby are doing nothing, let that sink in for a moment.
Makes you think doesn't it...
Gaining Influence
However, when ones takes a closer look, they will find that what is truly alarming, is in spite of these groups overall lack of success over the years, things are changing, and changing rapidly...
It is rather clear, that with the increasing rise in progressive liberalism in the youth across democratic nations, anytime liberal progressive political action groups put themselves up for sale - there are plenty of buyers.
Naturally, an increase in revenue, nets an increase in influence. And that means additional influence for the enemies of the State of Israel and the Jewish people...
Naturally, an increase in revenue, nets an increase in influence. And that means additional influence for the enemies of the State of Israel and the Jewish people...
Take J-Street for example. a self proclaimed "Pro-Israel" Lobby, but actually far from it.
In the 2014 election cycle, the JStreetPAC contributed over $2.4 million to its 95 endorsed candidates. According to reports in the media, this was the largest sum of money "in history, by a pro-Israel PAC".
With its newly bought power - almost exclusively in democratic party circles - J-street lobbied in the U.S. Senate against a group of bills that would have penalized the Palestinian National Authority if it used its recently elevated status of "observer" at the United Nations to bring international charges against Israel.
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According to reporting by the Jerusalem post, during the Bill review period, J-Street had its supporters make over 1000 telephone calls to legislators and sent over 15,000 e-mail messages against the bills.
Not surprisingly, money talks, and the Bill, failing to garner enough bi-partisan support, failed to pass...
The result: An empowered Palestinian Authority, who continues to undermine Israel within the UN and the International Court.
Thanks J-Street...
The Source of Its power
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Organizations such as J Street and NIF regularly commission polls to keep track of American Jewish public opinion on Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Using polling firms such as GBA strategies, J- Street alone, has conducted several annual polls, including polls of American Jewish voters on every election night since 2010. With swaths of data, J-Street pushes its agenda, claiming that while American Jews consistently and overwhelmingly support pro-Israel policies, they also support pro-peace policies and the tough diplomacy needed to solve problems in the Middle East.
In one poll, participants were asked if they support a two-state solution that declares an end to the conflict and creates a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank”?
Not surprisingly, in all polls since 2010, approximately of 80 percent of participants affirmed their support for a two state solution, with 79 percent affirming that a two state solution "is necessary to strengthen Israeli security and ensure Israel’s Jewish and democratic character is maintained".
These results however, do not only show (once again) the epic failure that is called the Israeli Hasbara, but the failure of the centrist, right wing portions of the Jewish lobbying groups, to inspire Americans of all ages to adapt their policies and stances on the issues.
With J Street, NIF and others taking a strong stance and pushing their agenda, the opinion of American Jewry will not change. On the contrary, the Trump presidency will only provide a clam before the next inevitable storm, nothing more...
Taking Action - No Matter the Cost
The answer to this dire current state of affairs is a firm call for action to my fellow centrists and right leaning Zionist American Jews.
Its imperative to realize that as long as we do not take a firm stand and make every effort to embrace our identity without remorse, we surely will falter...
We must make every effort possible to reach out and educate our youth, before it is too late.
The threat called progressive liberalism - with its manifestation in the Israel Lobby - is real, and without the proper measures - most importantly education and outreach - it will continue to grow and haunt our dreams forever.
And while, I feel that such a plan goes beyond the scope of this paper, I can nevertheless not stress enough that our greater collective, the true lovers of Zion, must realize that these progressive liberal factions within the Israel lobby are indeed a growing threat to us, and without the proper countermeasures, be the undoing of us all.
Yes, it is true that under the leadership of President Elect Trump, things will be different. Perhaps, it will finally come to pass that Israel will - God willing - have some favor with a U.S. president and congress - perhaps even in an unprecedented fashion.
Yet this does not change anything, far from it. The bitter truth remains, as long as we don't seize the opportunity and prepare for the next time - then shame on us, for we have sinned...
Yet this does not change anything, far from it. The bitter truth remains, as long as we don't seize the opportunity and prepare for the next time - then shame on us, for we have sinned...
Yet, if we indeed take some simple yet expansive measures, then perhaps the war against this ever increasing threat will be a success. A success which is not only to the betterment of Israel, but the United States and Mankind across the globe as well...
God Bless Israel and God Bless America
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