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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Register, Vote, Make a Difference

I came across this YouTube video from the very clearly liberal Save The Day Pac, urging all of us to Vote, in a rather biased fashion...

The message: Get out and Vote, and make sure you Vote for Hillary, because if you don't - get out and vote for Hillary - you obviously hate America and are casting this country to a rabid dog...

You can see the Video right here:

Seriously Don, you really think that Trump is a racist bigot, who should not have the nuclear codes because he fires people - on a Television show!?!

I am all for freedom of speech. Nevertheless, what really gets me, is how naive the electorate actually is - or at least Hollywood thinks they are. As they see it, and for all I know they are right, all you need to do is send a celebrity their way - coupled with some illogical banter - and so many of them will actually buy it whatever it is they are selling, jeez its insanity...

Yet lets face it, this is not the first, nor the last, negative political ad by the Hillary campaign - or her Liberal Pacs for that matter. Just go to YouTube and see for yourself of how negative, and lacking of substance they truly are... 

One the other hand, here is a taste of something from Team Trump, with a little more positive vibe:

See the difference?

Register, Vote, Make America Great Again

to register online in NYS go to: https://dmv.ny.gov/org/more-info/electronic-voter-registration-application

Otherwise go to: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote

Additionally, you can now register via text! right here: https://www.hello.vote/

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