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Thursday, January 5, 2017

And so...The Swamp is Set to Drain

The 115th Congress took their seats just a couple of days ago and the Washington Post is reporting that House Republicans have reinstated the 'Holman Rule,' which would allow them to reduce the pay of any federal employee to just $1...That's salary, not hourly.

Obviously the unions are not too happy about this.

How the rule will be used is anybody's guess, it can be used to target nonperforming bureaucratic drones or even entire departments but hopefully used more on department heads who abuse their power. Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA), who revived the rule, thinks it'll be used more like a sniper's bullet than a shotgun blast.

From the Compost:
He favors a strategic application of the law, likening it to a bullet from a sniper rifle rather than a shotgun. It’s unlikely — but not impossible — that members will “go crazy” and cut huge swaths of the workforce, he said.
“I can’t tell you it won’t happen,” he said in an interview in his office. “The power is there. But isn’t that appropriate? Who runs this country, the people of the United States or the people on the people’s payroll?”

The cynical side of me knows that politicians only stick to their promises until they don't but seeing this Congress kick off makes me smile.

They also predict that despite the Democrats' cries to not confirm the new cabinet, it'll go through by next week.

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