Yesterday, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said the right thing, when he told “Meet the Press” that the Trump administration will not apologize for keeping America safe.
Later in the interview Priebus added a rather interesting tidbit, that is, the current refugee ban from seven Muslim nations may not be enough and “perhaps” other countries need to be added to the list.
This is very important, as we know for a fact that Saudi Arbia and Qatar host and sponsor terror groups on an almost consistent basis - and most certainly should be added to the temporary ban as well.
Think Progress reported:
Check out the clip:Despite facing public backlash and legal challenges, the Trump administration appears to be doubling down on its recent immigration ban. The president’s top advisors are now floating the idea that it doesn’t go far enough and and say the administration is considering expanding the ban to include more countries.White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told NBC reporter Chuck Todd on Sunday that the ban could be expanded in the future to include countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Egypt.Reince Preibus: “We are concerned about the issue, Chuck, and that’s why we put the seven countries initially into the executive order that were identified previously by Congress, by both the House and the Senate and the Obama administration as being the seven most watched countries in regard to harboring terrorists. But you bring up a good point. Perhaps other countries needed to be added to an executive order going forward.”
Of course, while there is truth to what Pribus is saying, it should be noted that the reason Qatar, Saudi Arabia and others were not added to the codified list in congress, was simply because the US is rather dependent on oil from those as well as well as other countries from the region. To put it in simple terms, by adding those countries - and other OPEC countries to the list for that matter - to a terror harboring list, OPEC will use its current market standing to cause major spikes in oil prices across the country - pretty much leveling any support the order potentially might have - people often think with their pockets before their safety.
Of course, I believe this can be easily solved by premoting and utilizing creative energy solutions including safe off shore drilling and fracking - both potential solutions already mentioned by President Trump during the campaign trail.
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