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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

CNN’s Jim Acosta Loses Himself

Talk about decorum... For what it's worth, it has its time and place but the hypocrisy of the MSM is what's really on display.

CNN (and other outlets) released an unverified document written by the far left propaganda ministry known as BuzzFeed which purports to have damning information on the president-elect. The tone of the reporting and the headlines treat this hoax as a fact.

 The contents of this "dossier" are irrelevant but its coverage on CNN reflects a gross error of journalistic integrity. The way it was reported may have caused much damage and anguish for individuals who did nothing wrong; it was irresponsible, nonetheless it made the airwaves.

When the president-elect spoke of this, Jim Acosta in the front row had a screaming fit and the chutzpah to demand a question instead of being more appropriate and keeping quiet for just one press conference.

This isn't even the end. Some outlets are reporting this as a "shouting match" - I guess the spin never dies.

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