A group of ragtag ultra-Orthodox Jews who love the State of Israel, the United States, its constitution and the values they stand for...

Monday, June 12, 2017

Jewish Millennials at Risk with IfNotNow On The Rise

By Natan Nestel 

The dire situation that I've been working on exposing and halting has unfortunately been spreading.​

​When Jews and their friends across the globe gathered in Jerusalem​ to ​celebrate​ the 50th anniversary of its liberation and reunification, IfNotNow was organizing a protest against Israel's "occupation of Jerusalem (see here).
Alarmingly, this is just one of the numerous disruptive​ anti-Israel protests that ​this globally growing anti-Israel, Jewish millennial movement has conducted...

For instance, during the period of June 3rd to the 11th, IfNotNow organized for Jewish Millennials several protests including:

. On Saturday Night June 3rd -- at the FIDF Annual Gala
. On Sunday afternoon June 4th -- at the Israel Day Parade NYC with the message "This is not a time to celebrate but a time to resist"
. On Thursday June 8th-- Marching to the Israeli Consulate over at the Boston downtown crossing
. On Friday June 9th-- creating a visual timeline of what occupation will look like, over at the Independence Mall, Philadelphia
. On Sunday June 11th-- at the Israeli Festival in Boston
. On Sunday June 11th-- where FIDF honored in San Francisco the soldiers who entered the old city in the '67 war... 
Furthermore, at the AIPAC National conference in Washington DC, the pro-Israel community was shocked and appalled by the attendance of numerous​ Jewish, college age students who were participating in the many anti-Israel and anti-AIPAC protests (see here).

However, this is not just some angry millennials blowing off steam. Rather, this is just an example which sheds light on the metastasizing and the damaging rippling effect of a multi​ layered collaboration between Hillel and J Street. As a result, a ever growing number of adolescents have been subverted and developed into rabid anti-Israel, J Street activists and leaders.

IfNotNow illustrates a perfect example, as its founder and current leader Simone Zimmerman - whose​ subversion I chronicled last year in a Jerusalem Post article - was very pro-Israel and in fact, an AIPAC activist when she arrived on campus... Sadly, after spending time at her school's local Hillel she​ was co-opted, cult style brainwashed and turned into a rabid anti-Israel radical, and acting as a  JStreet-U leader before the founding and creation of her current occupation. However, Zimmerman is unfortunately just one of the many fallen youth targeted by these organizations. Like Simone, a growing number of young Jews at Hillel chapters across North America, often times at top universities, are being covertly brainwashed with the J Street agenda. Consequently, they are becoming increasingly alienated from the Jewish state, often becoming anti-Israel activists. And they, like Simone are spreading their anti-Israel message to others. This movement is metastasizing under the radar - and we must fight it...

Because if Not Now, then When? 

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