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Sunday, September 18, 2016

RNC Chair Priebus Rocks It on Face the Nation!

As reported by Brietbart here, and other news outlets Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus had a few interesting things to day this Sunday morning, on CBS’s Face the Nation.

The first point - obviously - was regarding the Birther issue. And to start off, I think Priebus did a good job deflecting the attacks on Trump and this whole issue by moderator John Dickerson (who by the way seems to be loosing his pants at the (1:45) mark). In any event, like Priebus points out, it is pretty ridiculous that the media is still trying to milk this whole issue.

 The second was how Trump has created a movement, which has been something unusual for out times - which I will talk about in a different post.

The other, and more important comment, was how he felt that 2016 GOP presidential primary candidates who are not currently supporting Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, should start rethinking their strategy.

According to Preibus, “People who agreed to support the nominee. They took part in our process. They used tools from the RNC. They agreed to support the nominee. They took part in our process. We are a private party. We’re in the a public entity. Those people need to get on board. And if they’re thinking they’re going to run again some day, you know I think that we’re going to evaluate the process of the nomination process and I don’t think it’s going to be that easy for them."

Preibus continued, “People in our party are talking about what we’re going to do about this. There is a ballot access issue in South Carolina. In order to be on the ballot in South Carolina, you actually have to pledge your support to the nominee, no matter who that is? So what’s the penalty for that? It’s not a threat. It’s just a question. We have a process in place. And if a private entity puts forward a process and has agreement with the participants in that process, then those participants don’t follow through with the promises that they made in that process, what should a private party do about that if those same people come around in four or eight years?"

You can watch the whole interview here:

On a personal note, I think something should be done because the actions of these people are putting us at great risk... While Trump might start looking good in the polls its not over until its over.  

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