A group of ragtag ultra-Orthodox Jews who love the State of Israel, the United States, its constitution and the values they stand for...

Friday, October 7, 2016

#BigTime #CelebrityFail

Apparently the elites in Hollywood think you care, that they care, about healthcare, clean oceans, and gun control - basically every major liberal talking point known to humanity...

In the meantime, these fakers live lives that are way beyond the means of you and I, yet have to audacity to lecture us from their gated communities in Beverly Hills, and elsewhere...

Watch them lecture us about the importance of voting (for Hillary) here:

Of course people like me are sick and tired of these idiots, they are actors, nothing more...

Yet for some obscene reason, these people seemingly have the impression that since we think they can act, and go in droves to see them in our favorite movies, that we actually give a damn about their political opinion...

Well in fact, we actually do not give a damn about their opinion on anything - say besides for improving ones acting skills, that is if your into that. 

So for change were informing these imbeciles how much we would like them to stick to acting and butt out of politics, by simply down voting their well produced YouTube video. 

Indeed, as of 11:00 AM on Oct. 7th the film has had 160,000 views, with 1500 Likes, and 5,000 Dislikes

Talk about backlash

Do your part and let Leonardo, Anne, and Robert De Niro get the message by disliking their video here:


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