Of course Jews around the world are furious, but in all honesty this was to be expected - after all it is our homeland...
What is crucial at times like these is to see where the nominees stand and respond to these issues, as it enables us to take the opportunity to analyze and discuss their position.
As reported by the Times of Israel, republican presidential nominee Donald Trump weighed in on Thursday on a controversial resolution approved earlier in the day by the UN’s cultural arm that erases the Jewish connection to Jerusalem and its holy sites, calling the move a “one-sided attempt to ignore Israel’s 3,000-year bond to its capital city” and “further evidence of the enormous anti-Israel bias” at the United Nations.
Of course what was not reported was that there was not a peep on the issue from the Hillary Clinton herself...
In any event, according to Trump, under his potential administration, “the United States will recognize Jerusalem as the one true capital of Israel” and that “Israel will have a true, loyal and lasting friend in the United States of America.”
“Jerusalem is the enduring capital of the Jewish People and the overwhelming majority of Congress has voted to recognize Jerusalem as just that,” he said in a statement published on Facebook Thursday, hours after the vote, adding that the “United Nations’ attempt to disconnect the State of Israel from Jerusalem is a one-sided attempt to ignore Israel’s 3,000-year bond to its capital city, and is further evidence of the enormous anti-Israel bias of the UN.”
Trump also took the opportunity to criticize the Obama administration for a document last month which removed the word “Israel” from the Jerusalem dateline of a transcript of President Barack Obama’s eulogy at the funeral of the late Israeli statesman Shimon Peres...
In response to the resolution, the Clinton campaign opted to voice disapproval via a spokesperson, it's foreign policy adviser, Laura Rosenberer, who expressed disappointment in the UNeSCO resolution in a statement:
“It’s Outrageous that UNESCO would deny the deep, historic connection between Judaism and the Temple Mount,” Rosenberer said. “As Secretary of State, Hillary fought to defend Israel against biased resolutions like there at the United Nations and other international organizations and would proudly do so again as President.”
So what the bottom line? Hillary's camp regurgitated stale talking points, while Trump pulled out all the stops in his defense of Israels historic position in the region, and called out in very clear terms the vhement anti Israel Bias in the United Nations...
It is not wonder that according to the reports from Breitbart are coming in that A new survey suggests that nearly three-quarters of Muslim Americans will vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the upcoming presidential elections on November.
According to the report by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released its national survey Thursday, reporting that 72 percent of Muslim voters surveyed say they will cast their vote for Clinton on November 8, with 4 percent intending to vote for Trump and 12 percent undecided.
Despite its pretensions of being the voice for Muslim Americans, CAIR was designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates, and has been criticized by leading political figures in the U.S. from both sides of the aisle.
Senator Charles Schumer (D. New York) has described it as an organization “which we know has ties to terrorism,” while Senator Dick Durbin (D. Illinois) has said that CAIR is “unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect.”
Moreover, Steven Pomerantz, former counterterrorism chief for the FBI, has noted that “CAIR, its leaders, and its activities effectively give aid to international terrorist groups.”
Earlier this year, CAIR called on Muslims to openly defy U.S. Customs Agents when questioned on travel from Islamic controlled countries, urging them to reply, “None of your Damn Business.”
Although CAIR claims that its mission is to “enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding,” it has come under increasing fire for its unwillingness to condemn Islamist violence and its ties to international terrorist groups such as Hamas.When she has so much support from an organization such as CAIR, you know exactly where her heart lies - surely not with the Jewish people and the state of Israel...
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