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Sunday, June 4, 2017

Must Watch: Ettinger Report, Online Video Seminar: US-Israel relations and the Middle East

Yoram will be in the US in August and October/November, 2017, available for speaking engagements.

Online Video Seminar: US-Israel relations and the Middle East
40 videos (6 minutes each)
Facts unreported by the daily media
Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, "Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative"

Please watch – and consider sharing – my online video seminar on the following topics:

1. US-Israel ties
Israel's contributions, 400-year-old foundations, Congress – the co-equal ally, State Dep'tblunders) and more;

2. Jewish-Arab Demographics
No Arab demographic time bomb and more;

3. The Palestinian issue
Core cause of turbulence? Arab crown-jewel? Terrorism root cause? Crux of conflict? And more;

4. Palestinian terrorism
Institutional, not "lone wolves and more;

5. America
Be wary of a Palestinian state;

6. Palestinian refugees
Myth exposed, misrepresented numbers and more;

7. Jewish refugees
From Arab countries;

8. Christian repression
In Arab countries;

9. Israeli Arabs
Integration in defiance of severe odds;

10. Anti-US terrorism
Islamic terrorism and narco-terrorism and more;

11. Iran's Ayatollas
Clear and present threat to the USA and more;

12. Israeli settlements
Setting the record straight and more;

13. Israel's economy
Unprecedented global integration and more;

14. The real Middle East
Middle East unpredictability and intolerant violence and more;

15. Israel's pre-1967 borders
The precariousness of Israel's pre-1967 borders;

16. International and US security guarantees
Can Israel rely on US/international security guarantees and/or peacekeepers?

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